Darija Raščanin was a panelist at the REMHUB 2022 conference

Darija Raščanin, manager of design and construction at the Delta Real Estate company, presented to the audience the path of Sava Center’s transformation from a luxurious building erected four decades ago, and more recently a cultural monument, to the energy-efficient building it will become, at the REMHUB 2022: Driving Energy conference. Efficiency in Real Estate held on November 30 in Belgrade.

As one of the panelists at the conference, Darija presented examples of good practice in the field of energy efficiency of the Delta Real Estate company and revealed what improvements in that regard are planned for the reconstructed Sava Center.

“Energy rehabilitation of the roof sheathing and facade was carried out. Special attention was paid to the restoration of the concrete facade. Attention was paid not only to aesthetic and structural properties, but also to thermal insulation properties. Heating and cooling systems have been optimized to be more efficient. It was not our idea to just renovate the building, but to prepare it for the next 40 years, to make it energy efficient and functional, so that the greater part of the roof will be prepared for the installation of solar panels”, said Darija Raščanin.

The reconstructed Sava center will most likely have a BREEAM certificate, while the new office building of Delta holding, Delta House, is the holder of the LEED Gold certificate.

“Certification is not our goal in itself, certification is only the result of all the efforts we have invested and will invest so that the facility reaches its full potential”, added Darija Raščanina and concluded that existing facilities do not have to be bad compared to new construction, they can even be better, but in order to achieve that, investors must have experience, knowledge and the will to deal with it.

The conference was organized by the media company West Media World, with the institutional support of the Ministry of Mining and Energy, the Serbian Chamber of Commerce and the Green Building Council of Serbia. Among the many participants of the conference were representatives of competent institutions, organizations and companies operating in the real estate sector, and they tried to give answers to the questions of the present guests about how ready the real estate construction sector in Serbia is for the current energy crisis, whether energy efficient buildings are being built in Serbia buildings and how far we have progressed in the energy renovation of the existing building fund, as well as about what kind of attitude we have towards energy consumption.


The conclusion of the conference is that the real estate sector is definitely turning in the direction of energy-efficient solutions, but that there is still a road ahead of changes that should be presented equally by the economy and citizens.

As a responsible investor, Delta Real Estate understands the significance and importance of green construction and strives to contribute to sustainable development with its projects, and will always be happy to attend conferences on this and similar topics.